fencer The Fencer Shop
Electric Fencer Repair
Kevin Blase
2406 E. 23rd Road
Polk, NE 68654
402-366-5371 cell

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On a seperate sheet of paper put your your full name, address, phone number, and any comments and attach to the fencer.  
Place fencer and above information inside the box.  
Pack fencer tightly using news papers, or any packing material. (styrofoam, bubblewrap)
Make sure your fencer is packed tightly and can not move around in the box.

Ship fencer directly to the above address via your local U.S Post Office, UPS, or Fed Ex.
Remember to include return address on the outside and inside of box.
Upon recieving your fencer, we will do a bench test and contact you with the cost of repair. Most fencers are able to be repaired at less than half price of a new unit, including labor and shipping.